District #015 (2019)


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We Make Good Men Better

Recent News

Steak Fry
Our annual steak fry will be held on Thursday July 20th from 4-8 pm. Steak, baked potatoes, baked beans, and refreshments. Cost is $25.00. For reservations call 989-297-6377.
Up comming EA degree
Vassar is putting on an EA degree, (if all goes to plan. call ahead 989-928-0266 WM Terry Meisel)  20 January 2020. eat at 6pm, degree at 7pm.  we can use all the help we can get, especially wit...


District Deputy Instructor
Gilmore A. Theakston
Board of General Purposes
Owen H. Hoyt

District #015 (2019)

The 15th Masonic District in the Grand Lodge of Michigan